The Hague (Pranita Deshpande): Embassy of India and GOPIO Netherlands celebrated a networking event on Friday 17th June, 2022 at the Gandhi Centre, The Hague with special guest speakers on the topic of the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.
The event opening was addressed by President of GOPIO Rotterdam The Hague, Drs. Prakash Jankipersad which was followed by speech by her Excellency Reenat Sandhu, the Ambassador of the Republic of India to The Netherlands
Later speech by “Ayurveda: an integrated approach to healthy living” by Karthik Jeganthan, CEO of Sri Sri Tattva. from Frankfurt and Shasvin Bholeai, Ayurvedic doctor was made.

The Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) has an international network of people of Indian origin (PIO). GOPIO was founded at the First Global Convention of People of Indian Origin in New York in 1989. The initial thrust of GOPIO was fighting human rights violation of people of Indian origin. Although this has been improved in the last one decade, human rights violations continue to be a major issue for PIOs living outside India. GOPIO has now set its priorities in pooling our resources, both financial and professional, for the benefit of PIOs, the countries they come from and India.