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Climate Change Summit: Leaders from 40 nations come together to save environment

India Prime Minister Narendra Modi starts his address with Namaste in Climate Change Summit which is being attended by leaders of 40 nations.

A total of 40 global leaders came together on Thursday to address the Climate Change Summit and vowed to save the environment.

Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi said, “For humanity to combat climate change, concrete action is needed. We need such action at a high speed, on a large scale, and with a global scope. We, in India, are doing our part. We need such action at a high speed, on a large scale, and with a global scope.”

Our ambitious renewable energy target of 450 Gigawatts by 2030 shows our commitment.

Despite our development challenges, we have taken many bold steps on clean energy, energy efficiency, afforestation and bio-diversity, the Indian PM said.

Speaking on the pandemic, he said, “Sustainable lifestyles and a guiding philosophy of ‘Back to Basics’ must be an important pillar of our economic strategy for the post-Covid era.”

He further announced that he along with the US President are launching the ‘India-US Climate & Clean Energy Agenda 2030 Partnership’. “Together, we will help mobilise investments, demonstrate clean technologies, & enable green collaborations.”

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson assured global leaders that tackling climate change was “not bunny-hugging”.

Johnson called President Biden’s announcement about cutting US greenhouse gas emissions “game-changing”.

“We can do this together across the world. It’s going to mean the richest nations coming together and exceeding the $100bn commitment they already made in 2009,” he said.

The summit shall continue on Friday too.

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