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Kite Festival Jaipur(Makar Sankranti 2022): Significance, Rituals & Celebrations

Wanna see kite flyers merrymaking in Jaipur on the roofs of their houses? Visit Jaipur on Makar Sankranti, a festival following the solar cycle rather than the lunar cycle, like most festivals in India.

Celebrated on January 14 each year, Makar Sankranti remains incomplete without a mention of the Jaipur Kite Festival as people indulge in fun-loving rivalry, and try to outdo each other in the numerous kite flying activity held across the city.

Happy Makar Sankranti 2022

Kite Festival Jaipur(Makar Sankranti 2022): Significance, Rituals & Celebrations

Let’s study the significance and cultural aspect of this festival:

Significance: The kite festival is observed on Makar Sankranti or Uttarayan which marks the transition of the sun to makara rashi (Capricorn) from the dhanu rashi (Sagittarius). It is said that the northward journey of the sun (Uttarayan) begins on this day, making the celebrations quite auspicious in nature.

Celebrations galore: The kite festival has become one of the standout events of the city of Jaipur, and is attended by visitors from all over the world. The Kite War and the Friendly Kite Flying at the festival are the main two attractions of the days around Makar Sankranti.The locals take this celebration quite seriously as can be witnessed on the full roofs of the homes all across town.

The cultural aspect: The Kite Festival in Jaipur, Rajasthan includes several cultural performances that showcase numerous colors of Rajasthan’s folk and culture. From local singers exalting the virtues and braveries of times long gone to dancers exhibiting their finesse at local customary dances that capture the splendor of Rajasthan; the kite festival is the embodiment of the Rajasthani background.

Food on Makar Sakranti: All across Jaipur, feasts commemorate the celebration of Makar Sankranti with delicious Rajasthani treats including pheeni, daal ki pakori, til ke laddoo and til-laddoo.

With celebrations, visitors, delicacies and fun, the Kite Flying Festival’s date with Rajasthani delicacies comprise a real gastronomic adventure with local food.

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