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AWWA Lit Festival in Jaipur had this session for children…

The Abhivyakti Season 2 organised under AWWA Lit Festival recently at JKK had many sessions and workshops. One session was marked for children it being Children’s Day on November 14. These included a workshop on Book publishing by Mr. Narendra Singh and the other TedTalk on personality development by Lokesh Nathani.

Coming to the TedTalk with Lokesh Nathani who shared the formula of becoming extrovert from introvert.

He briefed the 5 key ingredients of personality development such as talking to yourself first in front of a mirror, believing in yourself, never missing a chance to represent yourself publicly if you get a chance, keeping consistency no matter how successful you are or not, talking to strangers and interacting with them. 

He also launched a book named ‘Public speaking unlocked’. 

The other interesting workshop was about Book publishing by Narendra. He asked a question from students like how many of you like writing and why do people write. He told the students that 10 years ago, the self-publishers weren’t in trend. But nowadays where social media dominates a lot of sources are available for writers who want to publish their books. 

He showed the pros and cons about traditional and self-publishing houses and gave examples of self publishing books like ‘Rich dad and poor dad’ by Robert Kyoski and ‘Slammed’ by Colleen Hover. He described the importance of international bar code on Books ‘ISBN’. Then at last the role of royalties on Book. Role of traditional publishing houses and impact on authors.

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