Every year, 10th October is celebrated as “World Mental Health Awareness Day” across the globe. This year theme is “Making Mental Health and Wellbeing for all a global priority”.
The Department of Neuropsychiatry at Institute of Neurosciences, Kolkata organised various awareness activities on this day.
This included interactions with patients and family members, Music program to admitted mental health Patients, Poster competition for nursing staff on mental health and engaging activities for doctors on mental health theme, said Dr Praveen Kumar, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist HOD, Department of Psychiatry, Institute of Neurosciences, Kolkata.
Around 10 per cent of people in India suffer from some kind of Mental illness but stigma related to mental illness and treatment reduces their help seeking behaviour, he told the EBNW Story
In post pandemic era, times have changed and so is the way we look at mental health. Pandemic has made our children and adolescents getting increasingly addicted to screens and brought significant attention and emotional problems in them, he said, adding, “Research says that some factors help us to prevent mental illness like being optimistic, having good social support, active coping style, flexible thinking approach and last but most important one is self compassion that is being kind to our self and others, said Dr Kumar.