Latest UpdatesHealthAyush 64: How is it useful in curing mild to moderate Covid-19...

Ayush 64: How is it useful in curing mild to moderate Covid-19 cases?

Ayush 64, a poly herbal formulation developed by the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), has been found effective in treating asymptomatic, mild and moderate Covid-19 infection

Ayush 64, originally developed for treating malaria in 1980, is now being repurposed to treat Covid-19 infection.

Ayush-64: The studies have been carried in three centres in India

The drug has been found effective in studies carried out at three different centres – in Lucknow, Mumbai and Wardha.

This multi-centre study to evaluate safety and efficacy of Ayush 64 in Covid-19 management was carried out by Ayush in collaboration with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.

Ayush-64: What is it made of?

Ayush 64 comprises Alstonia scholaris (aqueous bark extract called as Chhitvan in Hindi), Picrorhiza kurroa (aqueous rhizome extract called as Kutki), Swertia chirata (aqueous extract of whole plant-Chirata) and Caesalpinia crista (fine-powdered seed pulp called as Katikaranj).

It is an extensively studied, scientifically developed, safe and effective Ayurveda formulation.

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