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Ganesha Chaturthi: This IAS officer pens how ‘Trunk God’ inspires to start afresh

Mugdha Sinha is an IAS officer who is known for her workaholic ethics who loves taking newer tasks diligently.

Even on a day when people were celebrating Ganesha Chaturthi festival with traditional zeal and fervour, she penned a few lines on her personal blog page on social media which is drawing a huge traction.

In this blog, what catches attention of the reader is her unique perspective of extracting out the teaching from this festival.

She writes, “Today is Ganesh Chaturthi, an auspicious day to welcome Shree Ganesh Maharaj, the Vighankarta, Ek Danta, beloved son of Parvati Mata, the gentlest of gods who opens new paths and ushers in eternal abundance twinning with subh labh, and married to Riddhi Siddhi.”

“Ganesha is the best example of how to begin again, start afresh. The slashing of his head by Shiv ji can be metaphorically seen as the death of ego, mindlessness, as much as it can be of new beginnings after circumstantial adversity not of our choosing, in line of his mother’s duty. Ganesha is the best example of an ecocentric god, with head of an elephant, body of human, riding on his mushka. “

Ganesha Chaturthi: This IAS officer pens how 'Trunk God' inspires to start afresh

Showing her immense devotion and dedication to Lord Ganesha, she writes,

“I bow in humble salutations as I welcome you in my home and heart.

While the world will offer prasad, I offer myself.

Show me the way, guide me through, take me along, as I emulate you in dropping the karmic baggage of the past, ready to embrace the new with open arms,” she writes.

Isn’t it inspiring? How many of us must be bringing Ganesha Home but still not knowing how to kill the demon of ego sitting inside our brains and how to convert mindlessness into mindfulness so that we can start the fresh beginnings yet again…

So here is the lesson to be learnt for life…isn’t it?

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