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Unveiling the Mysteries of Patal Bhuvaneshwar where Lord Ganesha’s Severed Head is still kept

According to ancient Puranic texts, the severed head of Lord Ganesha is believed to reside in a mystical cave known as Patal Bhuvaneshwar, located in the serene hills of Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand. This cave, shrouded in legends and spiritual significance, is not just a testament to Hindu mythology but also a marvel of natural beauty and divine architecture.

The Mythical Origins

The story begins with Lord Shiva, who, in a fit of anger, severed the head of his son, Ganesha. On the pleading of Goddess Parvati, Lord Shiva replaced Ganesha’s head with that of a young elephant, thereby bringing him back to life. However, the question arises: where did the original head of Ganesha fall? According to the Puranas, the severed head fell in the Patal Bhuvaneshwar cave, where it remains to this day, protected by the divine presence of Lord Shiva.

The Discovery of Patal Bhuvaneshwar

The cave, situated 14 kilometers from Gangolihat in Pithoragarh, is said to have been discovered by Adi Shankaracharya in the Kali Yuga. This sacred site, nestled in the lap of the Himalayas, offers not just spiritual solace but also an intriguing glimpse into ancient myths and beliefs.

The Divine Symbolism

Inside the cave, an idol of Lord Ganesha, known as Adi Ganesha, is adorned with a unique 108-petaled Brahma Kamal. This sacred flower is believed to drip divine water onto the head of Adi Ganesha, symbolizing eternal blessings. According to legends, this Brahma Kamal was established by Lord Shiva himself, adding to the cave’s sanctity and mystique.

Legends and Beliefs

Another fascinating belief is that after Lord Shiva severed Ganesha’s head, it ascended to the moon. This belief is deeply ingrained in religious traditions, where devotees offer Arghya (a ritual offering) and moon-gazing on Sankat Chaturthi, seeking Ganesha’s blessings for the removal of obstacles and good fortune.

The Ancient Kings and the Pandavas

The cave’s historical significance is further enhanced by tales of its discovery by King Rituparna of the Surya dynasty in the Treta Yuga. It is said that the king was guided into the cave by Surplus, the king of serpents, where he was granted divine visions of the gods and Lord Shiva. The Pandavas, during the Dwapar Yuga, also rediscovered this cave and used it as a place of worship. Skanda Purana mentions that Mahadev Shiva himself resides in Patal Bhuvaneshwar, attracting deities who come to worship him.

Visiting Patal Bhuvaneshwar

For those drawn to adventure and spirituality, Patal Bhuvaneshwar offers a unique blend of both. The best time to visit this mystical cave is from March to June or during the colder months from October to February, avoiding the monsoon season.

How to Reach:
  • By Road: The cave is well-connected to major cities like New Delhi, Lucknow, and Kolkata. Taxis and buses are readily available from nearby railway stations and airports.
  • By Rail: The nearest railway station is Tanakpur, located 154 kilometers from Patal Bhuvaneshwar.
  • By Air: The closest airport is Pantnagar, 224 kilometers away, with buses and taxis available for further travel.

Patal Bhuvaneshwar is not just a place; it’s an experience that intertwines the physical and spiritual realms, offering a profound connection to Hindu mythology and the enduring mysteries of the divine.

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