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National Reading Day 2024: Date, History, Significance, Quotes, Captions & more

National Reading Day is observed on June 19th every year to honor the memory of Puthuvayil Narayana Panicker, also known as the ‘Father of India’s Library Movement’. This day marks the celebration of reading and the significant strides made in literacy and education reform, particularly in India.

National Reading Day 2024: Date, History, Significance, Quotes, Captions & more


The roots of National Reading Day date back to the establishment of the first public library in Kerala by P.N. Panicker in 1945. His vision for widespread literacy led to the creation of the Kerala Granthshala Sangham, a network of libraries that played a pivotal role in the educational development of the state. In recognition of his contributions, the Indian government declared June 19th as National Reading Day in 1996, following his death in 1995.



National Reading Day not only commemorates Panicker’s legacy but also emphasizes the importance of reading as a tool for personal and societal growth. It’s a day to reflect on the progress made in eradicating illiteracy and to renew efforts towards achieving universal literacy.

Quotes to Inspire

  • “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”
  • “Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.”
  • “Books are uniquely portable magic.”
  • “Reading one book is like eating one potato chip.”

Captions for Social Media

  • “You’re nothing but a Wilde thing.”
  • “Reading is a novel idea.”
  • “I’m booked tonight; got a date with my book.”
  • “That book about Mt. Everest had quite the cliff-hanger.”

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