Latest UpdatesNewsKnow About The Great Conjunction of Jupiter Saturn (Christmas Star) on December...

Know About The Great Conjunction of Jupiter Saturn (Christmas Star) on December 21, 2020

Jupiter and Saturn will meet in the closest ‘great conjunction’ since 1623

From December 21, Saturn and Jupiter will be in complete conjunct and the latter planet is ready for another fight with Saturn. In fact, Jupiter and Saturn huddle closer together in the evening sky than they have for nearly 400 years.


In the distant past, such alignments of the planets have been seen as portents of things to come, from great fires and floods to the birth of Christ and the ultimate collapse of civilisation.


Galileo first observed Jupiter and Saturn in 1610, which is 13 years before the last really close conjunction. But there is no record of anyone observing the 1623 conjunction through a telescope

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