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Rajasthan Empowers Women with 50% Reservation in 3rd Grade Teacher Recruitment

In a landmark decision, the Rajasthan government has announced a significant increase in the reservation quota for women in 3rd grade teacher recruitment, raising it from 30% to 50%. This move, spearheaded by Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma, is seen as a major step towards women’s empowerment in the state.

Rajasthan Empowers Women with 50% Reservation in 3rd Grade Teacher Recruitment

The announcement was made on June 14, 2024, fulfilling a key promise from the ruling party’s manifesto. The Chief Minister’s office stated that this decision reflects the government’s commitment to ensuring equal opportunities for women and promoting their all-round development.

The increase in reservation is expected to provide more employment opportunities for women, enabling them to become self-reliant and empowered. The government will amend the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act to facilitate this change, which is anticipated to have a positive impact on the state’s educational sector and society at large.

The Chief Minister’s sensitive approach towards gender equality has been widely appreciated, with many seeing it as a step that will give wings to the dreams of countless women in Rajasthan.

This policy change is part of a broader initiative by the state government to enhance the status of women and create a more inclusive workforce. It is hoped that other states will follow suit, recognizing the importance of empowering women and creating a balanced and diverse educational environment.

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