Latest UpdatesIndiaRajasthan'Lumpy virus affected the city cattle more as compared to rural area...

‘Lumpy virus affected the city cattle more as compared to rural area cattle stock’

The lumpy virus has affected cattle feeding in city areas more than the cattle stock in rural areas, said Bhavika Gopa Class 10 student who came from Jaisalmer from St Paul’s School to Jaipur to participate in the State Science Seminar 2022 organised by Department of Science and Technology, Rajasthan government on October 8 at Birla Auditorium. 

Bhavika said that the cattle in the villages are fed on grass and food which is rich in fibre and minerals. It has less chemical additions, however, in cities, cattle stock is being fed on chemical rich diet and less on grass as the owners in city want more milk yield from them. In other words, better nutrition in villages has given better health to cow which helped them survive and fight lumpy virus while the city cattle toll went higher, she added.

Another student Himanshu Poonia from class IX from St Paul’s School, Jaisalmer, said, “Science and sustainability can go hand in hand. He shared his presentation on isomers and said they can help check in pollution.

The young boy got first prise from Jaisalmer district for his out-of-the-box presentation. 

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