Ganesh Chaturthi, one of the most revered Hindu festivals, will be celebrated on September 7, 2024. Marking the birth of Lord Ganesha, the festival is observed with great devotion and enthusiasm across India. Celebrated during the Shukla Paksha of the Bhadrapada month, Ganesh Chaturthi involves elaborate rituals, puja ceremonies, and the offering of special bhog to Lord Ganesha. If you’re planning to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi, it’s essential to know the shubh muhurat (auspicious time) for puja, city-wise puja timings, the date for Ganesh Visarjan, and the traditional bhog items to offer.
Ganesh Chaturthi 2024 Shubh Muhurat: City-Wise Puja Timings
The auspicious time or shubh muhurat for Ganesh Chaturthi puja is from 11:03 AM to 1:34 PM on September 7, according to the Drik Panchang. However, different cities have specific muhurat times. Here’s a list of city-wise puja timings for Ganesh Chaturthi 2024:
- Pune: 11:18 AM to 1:47 PM
- Mumbai: 11:22 AM to 1:51 PM
- New Delhi: 11:03 AM to 1:34 PM
- Gurgaon: 11:04 AM to 1:35 PM
- Noida: 11:03 AM to 1:33 PM
- Chennai: 10:53 AM to 1:21 PM
- Jaipur: 11:09 AM to 1:40 PM
- Hyderabad: 11:00 AM to 1:28 PM
- Chandigarh: 11:05 AM to 1:36 PM
- Kolkata: 10:20 AM to 12:49 PM
- Bengaluru: 11:04 AM to 1:31 PM
- Ahmedabad: 11:23 AM to 1:52 PM
Additionally, the Chaturthi Tithi will begin at 3:01 PM on September 6 and end at 5:37 PM on September 7.
Ganesh Chaturthi 2024: Ganesh Visarjan Date
The 10-day celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi culminates with Ganesh Visarjan, the symbolic immersion of Lord Ganesha’s idol, which signifies the return of Ganesha to Mount Kailash. In 2024, Ganesh Visarjan will be held on Tuesday, September 17.
Here are the auspicious timings for Ganesh Visarjan:
- Morning Muhurat: 9:11 AM to 1:47 PM
- Afternoon Muhurat: 3:19 PM to 4:51 PM
- Evening Muhurat: 7:51 PM to 9:19 PM
- Night Muhurat: 10:47 PM to 3:12 AM, September 18
The Chaturdashi Tithi begins at 3:10 PM on September 16 and ends at 11:44 AM on September 17.
Ganesh Chaturthi 2024: Bhog for Lord Ganesha
Offering bhog to Lord Ganesha is an integral part of Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations. Devotees prepare and present a variety of food items that are believed to please Lord Ganesha. The most beloved offering for Lord Ganesha is modak, a sweet dumpling made from rice flour, jaggery, and coconut. In fact, idols of Lord Ganesha are often depicted holding modaks in their hands.
Other traditional bhog items you can offer to Lord Ganesha include:
- Laddu: Another popular sweet offered to Lord Ganesha.
- Pooran Poli: A sweet flatbread stuffed with lentils and jaggery.
- Kheer: A delicious rice pudding made with milk and sugar.
- Supari: Betel nuts are often offered as part of the puja ritual.
Each of these offerings holds spiritual significance and is believed to invite blessings, prosperity, and good fortune into the lives of the devotees.
Summing Up
As Ganesh Chaturthi 2024 approaches, prepare to celebrate the auspicious occasion by knowing the correct puja timings, the Ganesh Visarjan date, and the offerings to make for Bappa. Whether you’re performing the rituals at home or visiting temples, following the shubh muhurat ensures a blessed and prosperous celebration. Ganpati Bappa Morya!