Latest UpdatesEmpowermentInspirationsShiv Aroor answers curious questions raised by Saksham Sanchar students in Jaipur

Shiv Aroor answers curious questions raised by Saksham Sanchar students in Jaipur

It was interesting to see Saksham Sanchar students asking curious question to renowned journalist and author Shiv Aroor during an event held in Jaipur recently

Saksham Sanchar acts like Gurukul of Journalism and takes students to fields to give them practical exposure to journalism.

Under the same episode, Saksham Sanchar students covered AWWA Lit Festival Abhivyakti Season 2 held in Jaipur in which Shiv Aroor was special guest,

The students raised their queries to Shiv Aroor. The first question was related to the new generation journalism.

Aishwarya Chouhan asked him “As there is plenty of clutter on social, print, and digital media, how can a journalist bringing clarity for the readers.” 

Shiv’s answered, “Yes, there is clutter. Every other journalist has a different perspective and wants to represent the story interestingly which causes the clutter. But it is the responsibility of a journalist to portray truth without any bias so that there is no clutter in theming of readers.”

Another question was related to the challenges and opportunities that a budding journalist would face in the current industry. To the question, Shiv Aroor, answered, “The media industry is very fulfilling, and very day comes as a new day in this profession.” 

He also stated, “A media industry can be challenging, but they should always bring out the new factor for their story and break the chains.”

One of the sensitive questions was about the terrorist attack in Mumbai. in 2009, some journalists were covering the story on live broadcast, despite the restriction. Shiv Aroor answered positively, “Yes, some journalists were covering so. He was also there but not among those journalists. He also cleared that those journalists were not doing anything deliberately.” He added, “Being a journalist, one cannot share anything in their capacity.”

It was a significant interaction, and students were thrilled and satisfied with the answers. 

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