Wanna take a glance into the much-evolved education system which existed in India around 5000 years back? Try visiting Sandipani Ashram in Ujjain where Lord Krishna, his brother Balram and his friend Sudama studied and learnt skills in the form of communication, water sports, chanting, prayers, practising Ayurveda, studying fashion by wearing dresses smartly and differently and designing ornaments using gems.
Surprised? Yes, we too were surprised as we entered into the beautiful Gurukul which still resonates with the stories of Krishna, Sudama and Balram.
The ashram is situated in Ujjain. It was a university where Lord Krishna leant the knowledge of 18 Puranas in 18 days, 4 Vedas in 4 days, 6 Shastras in 6 days, 16 arts in 16 days, Geeta in 20 days.

The ancient Ujjain, apart from its political and religious importance, was a prestigious center of learning at the beginning of the Mahabharata period. Lord Shri Krishna with friend Sudama received regular education in the ashram of Guru Sandipani. Maharishi Sandipani’s ashram is situated on Mangalnath Road in Ujjain.
The area near the ashram is known as Ankpat, the place believed to be used by Lord Krishna to wash his stylus. There is a strong belief that the numbers 1 to 100 found on a stone were carved by Guru Sandipani. The Gomati Kund as mentioned in the Puranas was the source of water supply to the ashram in olden days. An image of Nandi near the pond dates back to the Sunga period. Followers of the Vallabha sect consider this place as the 73rd seat of Vallabhacharya out of the 84 seats where he gave his sermons all over India.
According to Skanda Purana, after killing Kansa 5266 years ago, Krishna and Balram came to Ujjain from Mathura on foot. The distance from Mathura to Ujjain city is 650 kilometers. Then his age was 11 years and 7 days. Krishna learned 64 arts in 64 days from his guru Maharishi Sandipani. Apart from this, he acquired the knowledge of 4 Vedas in 4 days, 6 Shastras in 6 days, 16 Vidhyas in 16 days, 18 Puranas in 18 days and Geeta in 20 days.
Sandipani Ashram of Ujjain is the place where Lord Krishna studied in his childhood with his brother Balram and friend Sudama. This ashram is situated in Ankpat area of Ujjain. The temple has statues of Krishna, his brother Balram and his friend Sudama studying. Not only this, Lord Krishna also learned 64 arts while studying here.
Those visiting here offer their prayers at the Pindeshwar temple in the ashram dedicated to Lord Shiva. A unique idol of Lord Krishna with a notebook and a pen is also present inside the Ashram. You can sit at the steps of the Gomti Kund for a rejuvenating meditation session. Also, one can pay respects at the ancient Sarveshwar Mahadev Temple featuring a Shiva Lingam installed by Rishi Sandipani himself.