Udaipur, these days, is garnering laurels for a unique initiative!
Called as Khushiyon ki Gaadi, (A cart of Happiness), being run under the banner of Being Manav, a off-shoot of M Square Foundation, the underprivileged and needy people of the city are all in smiles as clothes are distributed from 1 to 2 pm each day outside the Ashok Bakery.
Thousands of clothes have been distributed to the needy under this drive.
With Mukesh Madhwani being the CEO of this entity, his team is working round-the-clock under the banner of M Square Foundation to attain the objectives of the Being Manav campaign and are spreading smiles on thousands of faces who were in dire needs of such products.

According to Madhvani, ’Being Manav’ is a different initiative which has been launched with an utmost aim of bringing happiness for destitute and it shall make thousands of lives better in coming future.
The Foundation’s ‘Being Manav Campaign’ is associated with 3520 members of the Field Club including Udaipur District Traffic Department, Federation of Rajasthan Trade and Industries, Rotary District 3054 as well as about 7000 members of 127 clubs.
Till date, a total of 9 cloth drives have been run so far under which 40,000 refurbished clothes have been distributed to needy and have been distributed to them. Also, under 5 food drives launched so far, food has been distributed to 3,500 people till date. Besides these, bags, stationery etc has also been distributed to the destitute.
Over a lakh people have been benefitted under the drive.
Mukesh is quite inclined for social upliftment cause of have-nots and have been working hard to raise their socio-economic standard.
His NGO Being Manav has been providing food, clothes, books amongst many other commodities to deprived kids.
‘Being MANAV’ is his brain child which is by far the most sincere step towards melioration of the downtrodden section of society. Initiated by team M Square in May 2019, ‘Being MANAV’ started as a campaign that involves citizens to donate the unused household items and clothes at a particular spot. The team of MSquare then gets the items refurbished in usable form and later distributes them among the needy ones.