In the Rajasthan state social welfare board’s second general meeting, a new recommendation was made for women to work from home during their menstruation. Akanksha from The EBNW Story talks to political leaders, entreprenuers to find out how they feel about this proposal.
Menstruation is a natural phenomenon that happens to women every month for 5 to 6 days. Thus, there are times when she takes up office challenges with smile despite facing harsh challenges of pain and hence looks forward for leave but cant due to deadlines of projects.
Thus, recently, the second general meeting of the Rajasthan state social welfare board was organized. In this meeting, a lot of recommendations for the public were introduced. In this context, Rajasthan recommended a provision for the benefit of women where there will be a province for working from home during the menstruation cycle.
Not only this, but there were many other plans introduced at the second general meeting, including a good and bad touch workspace, a family counseling center, the Yashoda Palna Greh Yojana, the old age home operation, the international teaching center, and much more.
The Rajasthan state social welfare department is a body that works for the public welfare and provides more to uplift women and children. Archana Sharma is the board chairperson. She explained that the new province, which is for menstruating women who want to work from home, can offer a lot to women.
We talked to some women about the provision to gather some of their insights on the topic. Geetanjali Kasliwal, co-founder of AnanTaya congratulated the government for making such provisions and extended gratitude to the government, where they have found sensitivity toward women’s conditions and provided them a space where they can have some rest during those tough days.

However, she believes that the power of the provision should be given to women only. Thus, the priority of this provision should be in the hands of the female worker. Overall, she thanked the government for taking such measures for the upliftment of women.
Similarly, we had a conversation with Suman Sharma, former chairperson, Rajasthan Women Commission appreciated the government for taking such a step toward the good health of women and praised that the government is becoming more conscious of women’s health. She later exclaimed that it may have started with the government jobs, but we should be thankful. She also finds confidence in the provision that it will provide equal opportunities to women.

Richa Nigam, a budding journalist, shared her opinion on the provision by expressing gratitude towards the measures for women’s health. She believes that gradually this provision will take place in every sector. However, she states it will be a beneficial step for women during menstruation.

Kanan Agarwal, a student in JECRC expresses her viewpoint when she says that it can be difficult for women to move around during menstruation. Thus, the recommended provision will provide relief to the women. She even states that this recommendation should be implemented as soon as possible.

Thus, this provision is a major shift toward women’s health. However, we should be grateful for such measures that are taken by the government for the welfare of women and society.