Latest UpdatesNature & EnvironmentSambhar Lake sobs silently in Rajasthan narrating its sorrowful tale!

Sambhar Lake sobs silently in Rajasthan narrating its sorrowful tale!

Sambhar Lake situated in Rajasthan near Jaipur, seems to be sobbing silently, for its sorrowful tale seems to be going unending and unheard.  Neither the government nor any concerned authorities have come to heal its wounds which it attained after seeing thousands of bodies of birds flushed out from its own water last year.

Despite been the pristine venue where emperor Akbar married a princess from Amer as per historians, this lake has not been preserved as a historical site or a natural lake, but has been used by salt miners to extract the most out of it. The lake has been a quarry for salt manufactures since time immemorial. 

Each year, Sambhar lake receives nearly 20,000-30,000 Flamingos during winters; thousands of migratory birds settle here as they get their desired feed in plenty.

In fact, last year, Sambhar Lake garnered world attention when around 20,000 migratory birds were found dead here!

Coming from the Rann of Kutch where they breed, these birds were found lifeless on the southern and western fringes of the Sambhar lake and till date, there is no clue if they died of a disease, virus, or any other malady.

When govt planned to script the climax…

The Government of Rajasthan was at pains to rescue ailing birds, removing carcasses and seeking answers from best of experts as to what led to such a catastrophe at this Ramsar Site wetland, the largest brackish water habitat (about 200 sq. km) in India. The animal husbandry and virology experts came out with certain decisions. Forest departmt buried dead birds in a pit and set up a make-shift nursery to rehabilitate ailing birds indirectly declaring the end of the story.

The episode of en masse mortality would have been buried for ever had the Rajasthan High Court not taken a suomotto cognizance of this strange predicament at Sambhar. A double bench started hearing. So the authorities had to dig in heels to search answers, as genuine as possible.

Sambhar Lake sobs silently in Rajasthan narrating its sorrowful tale!
Team TWSI with stakeholders at Sambhar Lake

Sambhar Salt Ltd: An all-round loser

Sambhar Salts Ltd is a public sector undertaking that has nearly 90 sq. km area of this lake to make salt. Its production is much smaller tons as compared to private operators. The turnover is about Rs 40-crore only. The company is reeling under losses and is under huge debt. Yet it is operating as it is a government undertaking. Its employees have a tale of woes: salaries not paid in time,  wage-bill is of 1992 level, no action plan to tilt the corner and draw new business through diversification, etc. A tourism model developed there almost was in tears as foot falls were absent. Yet a big amount was spent in creating some new mansions to lure tourists.  

Suggestions pour in but not even one implemented

What next? Wildlife experts have come up with a new suggestion: how about setting up a separate Sambhar Conservation Authority as an independent entity to aim at conserving both Salt and Birds, in particular the brackish habitat that shelters each one of them? Orissa’s Chilika Lake Development Authority is cited as an example having conserved that lagoon-lake and also provided new avenues to local villagers to earn good wages through fishing, boating, tourism, etc. What is the problem?

Sustaining salt and birds together? See how!

Anil Gattani and Kesha Ram Lore are Presidents of two different Salt Manufacturing and Refinery Associations and based at Nawa. They plead for a Salt Policy to be scripted to accord priorities for this sector. Both told this portal that Sambhar is second largest salt producer in India yet its problems have not been heard by the Government. Let us lay down a pipeline between Jayal and Sambhar to draw water lying in huge quantity at coal pits, to augment need of this lake. Salt and birds shall sustain only if there shall be water in Sambhar!

Who will bell the cat?

Who will bell the cat? Hon. Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Mr. Ashok Gehlot? Yes, it is learnt that he has sensed a new perspective and is expected to crack the auspicious coconut in favour of Sambhar. Only after Dussehra celebrations are over. Is it?

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