World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2021: We bring you the wishes, quotes and messages to be shared with your family and friends to highlight the importance of telecommunication.
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2021 (WTISD) is celebrated each day on May 17 to highlight the significance of telecommunication.
Since 1969, this day is being celebrated to mark the founding of ITU and the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention in 1865.
Ever since COVID-19 pandemic hit the globe, the importance of telecommunication and information society has grown by leaps and bounds.
Theme of this day
“Accelerating Digital Transformation in challenging times”.
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2021 Wishes
Let us celebrate World Telecommunication and Information Society Day by embracing the technology that keeps us all ahead and progressive in life.
Wishing a very Happy World Telecommunication and Information Society Day to all. Without communication, we can never prosper and progress in life.
The difficult pandemic situation has taught us the importance of staying connected using technology. Happy World Telecommunication and Information Society Day to you.
Let us celebrate the occasion of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day by promising to contribute towards the development of telecommunication.
Telecommunication and information form the backbone of any society. Wishing everyone on World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.
Communication is the only way that will take us towards success and prosperity. Wishing everyone on World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2021 Quotes
“An efficient telecommunications network is the foundation on which information society is built” – Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
“Leadership in telecommunications is also essential since we are now in the age of e-commerce”—Michael Oxley
“Yeah, look, I think what we have with the social media and the digital media, and all the telecommunications we have today is a big megaphone, amplification”—Mike DeWine
“In a hunting society, children play with bows and arrows. In an information society, children play with information”—Henry Jenkins
“Intuition becomes increasingly valuable in the new information society precisely because there is so much data”—John Naisbitt
“We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology and yet have cleverly arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology”—Carl Sagan
“In an information society, education is no mere amenity; it is the prime tool for growing people and profits”—John Naisbitt
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2021 Messages
Telecommunication has revolutionized the world and we are thankful for it.
Happy World Telecommunication Day 2021!
This is the digital age and we cannot imagine a day without gadgets, let alone imagining how life would have been without the evolution of Telecommunication.
Telecommunications and information technology have advanced the whole world much beyond the expectations of the common people.
The age of handwritten postal letters seems to be long gone because of the rapid evolution of technology.