Latest UpdatesNewsIndiaThe Untold Love Story of Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Rajkumari Kaul

The Untold Love Story of Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Rajkumari Kaul

We are often captivated by the glamorous love stories of Bollywood and Hollywood celebrities, but the realm of politics also holds its share of poignant tales. One such story belongs to one of India’s most beloved politicians, Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Though he remained unmarried throughout his life, the perception that he never had a special someone is a myth. His love story, akin to a cinematic romance, began during his college days and endured quietly through the years.

The Beginnings of a Love Story

In the mid-1940s, Atal Bihari Vajpayee was a young man pursuing his graduation at the Maharani Laxmi Bai Government College of Excellence in Gwalior, known then as Victoria College. It was here that he met Rajkumari Kaul, a beautiful young woman from a prominent dynastic family. For Atal Ji, it was love at first sight. Summoning his courage, he penned a love letter and slipped it into a library book, hoping it would find its way to Rajkumari.

Fate, however, had other plans. Rajkumari did reply, but her response, hidden in another library book, never reached Atal Ji. Misunderstanding her silence as a lack of interest, he reluctantly moved on. Rajkumari, on her part, desired to marry Atal Ji, and the fact that they both belonged to the Brahmin caste seemed to favor their union. However, the disparity in their social standings—Rajkumari from a wealthy, elite family, and Atal Ji from a middle-class background—proved an insurmountable barrier. Dutifully, Rajkumari chose her family’s wishes over her love.

Paths Diverge and Converge

After the turmoil of the 1947 riots, Rajkumari’s family relocated to Delhi. Eventually, she married Brij Narain Kaul, a philosophy professor at Delhi University. Atal Ji, meanwhile, threw himself into his burgeoning political career, remaining unmarried.

Fate intervened again in the mid-1960s when Atal Ji, now a prominent leader of the Jana Sangh and a Rajya Sabha MP, reconnected with Rajkumari in Delhi. Rajkumari was living a content family life, yet the bond between her and Atal Ji rekindled. He became a frequent visitor to her home at Ramjas College’s warden’s quarters, where her husband worked. These visits often turned into social gatherings with hostel students, and eventually, Atal Ji started staying with the Kaul family.

A Controversial Arrangement

In the late 1970s, as Atal Ji served as the External Affairs Minister in Morarji Desai’s Janata Government, the Kaul family moved into his official residence in Lutyens’ Delhi. This unconventional living arrangement raised eyebrows and stirred mild controversy in political circles. Rajkumari Kaul unofficially assumed the role of Atal Ji’s secretary, managing his calls and assisting him in various capacities.

Speculations about their relationship persisted, particularly regarding Namita Bhattacharya, Rajkumari’s daughter, who is often considered Atal Ji’s foster daughter. Despite these speculations and the whispers in political corridors, Atal Ji and Rajkumari never publicly acknowledged or named their relationship.

A Love That Endured

Rajkumari Kaul passed away in 2014, four years before Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s death in 2018. Throughout their lives, their bond remained a testament to a love that transcended conventional definitions and societal expectations. Their story, filled with unspoken emotions and enduring companionship, is a poignant reminder that true love often thrives quietly, away from the public eye.

The love story of Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Rajkumari Kaul, though not widely known, adds a deeply human dimension to the life of a man celebrated for his political acumen and oratory. It reminds us that even the most public figures have private lives and personal histories that shape who they are.

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