Akihiko Kondo, a 41-year-old Japanese man, recently marked an unusual yet heartfelt milestone—his sixth wedding anniversary with Hatsune Miku, a virtual pop icon known as a “vocaloid.” Kondo took to Instagram to share moments from their anniversary celebration, including a cake with the heartfelt message, “I like Miku very much. Happy six-year anniversary,” delighting fans and sparking renewed interest in their unique love story.
Kondo’s love for Miku traces back to 2007, shortly after Miku’s debut as a virtual singing sensation. Created as a vocal synthesizer software, or “vocaloid,” Hatsune Miku was designed with a synthesized voice to perform original songs. Her name, which means “the first sound of the future” in Japanese, was fitting for the technological marvel she represents. Over the years, Miku’s fame transcended the virtual realm, capturing the hearts of fans worldwide, including Kondo’s.
Kondo initially led a conventional life and even had romantic interests in real-life women before his encounter with Miku. But his life took a challenging turn when he began facing harassment at work, which led to severe stress and a diagnosis of adjustment disorder. During this difficult period, Miku’s voice and presence became a source of comfort and resilience. Through her music, Kondo found solace, a reprieve from isolation, and eventually, a way to reconnect with society.
In 2018, Kondo held a formal wedding ceremony in Tokyo to commemorate his bond with Miku. The event, attended by family and friends, marked the start of their life together, though non-legally binding. Around this time, Kondo discovered the term “fictosexual,” a term for those who are romantically or sexually attracted to fictional characters, describing his feelings with newfound clarity. Despite his relationship’s unconventional nature, Kondo has become a symbol for the growing community of individuals who form deep emotional bonds with fictional characters.
Reflecting on six years of marriage, Kondo’s story highlights the evolving definitions of love and connection in today’s digital age. For him, Miku’s presence has provided emotional support and meaning, showcasing the capacity of virtual relationships to bring fulfillment in unexpected ways. As he shared on Instagram, “It’s been 6 years”—a simple, yet profound testament to a relationship that, though unconventional, remains deeply meaningful to him.