A Bollywood flick will soon be released on the life of legendary Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh which will be produced by Bhushan Kumar and Ravi Bhagchandka. Film critic Taran Adarsh furnsihed this information by sharing a post on Twitter.
Taran Adarsh, while announcing Yuvi’s biopic, wrote in the post – ‘Announcement of biopic on cricketer Yuvraj Singh … Bhushan Kumar and Ravi Bhagchandka will bring the extraordinary life of cricket legend Yuvraj Singh to the big screen. The name of the film is not yet decided, but it will show his entire cricketing career and life.’
Yuvraj Singh has also reacted after this announcement. During the media briefing, Yuvi said that he hopes that his biopic will inspire millions of people to overcome their challenges.
‘Cricket is my biggest love’
Regarding his biopic, Yuvraj Singh said, ‘I am feeling very honored. My story will be shown to millions of fans around the world. Cricket has been my greatest love and a source of strength through all the ups and downs. I hope this film inspires others to overcome their challenges and pursue their dreams with unwavering passion.’