Latest UpdatesNature & EnvironmentGlobal Birding: Cornell University’s e-Bird under Tim Appleton's leadership to make it big!

Global Birding: Cornell University’s e-Bird under Tim Appleton’s leadership to make it big!

Global Birding, the brainchild of Tim Appleton, is for all those involved in Birdwatching – from beginners to industry leaders.

The Global Birding, this Saturday on May 8, will allow more than 50,000 people across 160 countries to watch birds and record them on what will be the biggest citizen science day ever.

Global Birding working in association with Cornell University

Global Birding is working in association with Cornell University’s eBird team on Global Big Day.

More than 100,000 lists of birds will fly into the eBird offices throughout the day starting in the South Pacific close to the International Date Line and closing as night falls in the far west.  

More than 7,000 species could be recorded in the day seen from backyards to bays, from parks to ponds and from woodlands to wetlands.  Every species counts and adds to our knowledge of a creature often heralded as the flagship for conservation.  

Global Birding Founder Tim Appleton

 Tim Appleton, Founder of Global Birding, said “It’s less than a year since I launched Global Birding and yet it has captured the hearts and inspired folks across the planet to join a community who care about and love birds. Over 130 Global Birding Teams from more than 70 countries are all set to attain this.  

Global Birding Team

The team list is remarkable;  Russia, China, Iran, Egypt, Mongolia, Sudan, DR Congo, Libya, India, Azerbaijan, Argentina, Colombia, Nigeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Philippines, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Somaliland, Samoa, Venezuela, Indonesia, Tajikistan , Vanuatu, Palau, Guyana, Cape Verde, Taiwan, Mexico and Antarctica have all signed up to take part, to name but a few. 

Global Birding team registration

Swarovski Optik, with whom Global Birding has a strong association, have helped in team registration by providing a simple and effective method for teams to register via Global Birding.

Global Birding Community

The conservation project the Global Birding Community will be helping to raise funds for is  BirdLife International’s campaign to Stop Illegal Killing of Migratory Birds.  All donations go directly to BirdLife via a Global Birding dedicated event JustGiving page

Like to contact: Tim Appleton MBE at and 

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