The once called garden city of India is now combating its most brutal battle because of heavy rains and flood, which had drowned almost all places, be it the private villas or IT sector offices situated at the outer ring road. Floods had seemingly taken everything without limiting to any boundary.
The chaos created in Bangalore is not much different, though. Many places are drastically falling into the rampage of nature.
Many other places have been falling into the distress of floods this year. Places like Brazil, Iran, and Madagascar combated through heavy rainfall surge. Thus, the sites took a long time to find peace. Many scientists have suggested how climate change can be the reason for these unusual floods and heavy rainfalls.
Even so, flood is a very recurring phenomenon on earth and everywhere. However, it is pretty confident that the irregularity of this natural disaster is some warning clue from nature itself.
Floods and many incidents transpired, indicating the growing concerns about natural catastrophes.
Amazon fire was a natural disaster that formed many problems for the fauna and people nearby. The issue also converted into heat waves, resulting in many deaths. Similar wildfires were smeared in Spain and Argentina, where many lives were jeopardized.
As wildfires, there was a similar situation with an altered element. Heavy snowfall in many areas of the world made people uncomfortable, especially in Turkiye, which faced heavy snowfall this year.
Global warming and climate issue from high carbon emission has become a lethal reason behind all this disarray.
Thus, as humans, it becomes our responsibility to take significant steps to bring the greenery back and eliminate the practices affecting our land.