Reena Dwivedi, Electoral polling officer, who became an internet sensation during the 2017 Uttar Pradesh elections, and then once again in 2019, for wearing a gorgeous yellow saree, is now turning heads in the polling site in Uttar Pradesh.
Making a comeback during the UP assembly elections in 2022, Reena Dwivedi wears another stunning look and her photos from the polling site are going viral once again. She has grabbed attention with her look yet again gearing up for the fourth phase of the polls.
Last time, Dwivedi wore traditional with her breezy and stunning yellow saree, but this time, her look was different and hence she became a viral internet sensation once again with her new avatar at a polling booth in Uttar Pradesh.
As opposed to last time, Reena this time was seen wearing a sleeveless black top and beige high waist pants, she carried a pinkish-red bag. Her photos were snapped when she was arriving on duty at the polling station in Bastiya, Gosaiganj booth number 114 in Lucknow.