Latest UpdatesNewsIndiaBirds and animals are also protecting our borders. Read here to know...

Birds and animals are also protecting our borders. Read here to know how…

The Indian Army recently underwent an amazing training with Japan in Bikaner, Rajasthan. Under this training, the soldiers were trained to confront terrorists on borders with the help of hawks and dogs, said officials.

It needs to be mentioned here that Japan and India are jointly conducting exercises named Dharma Guardian in Mahajan Field Firing Ranges here in Bikaner.

Under the part of the exercise, the ‘terrorists’ hidden in the imaginary village were traced by the eagle who was trained by the Army. The help of the drone was not taken as it could have alerted the terrorists via drone’ sound. The eagle searched for the ‘terrorists’. This eagle had a camera on its head and a GPS chip on its back. When the ‘terrorists’ were detected, dogs were sent there. The dogs attacked the ‘terrorists’ and injured them, said officials.

Col Amitabh Sharma, PRO, Indian Army, said, “We have a dog unit under which different types of dogs are being trained. In this exercise in Mahajan Field Firing Ranges, a dog unit also participated. These assault dogs can sniff the things connected with terrorists and can attack them. In this exercise, best practices were learnt after incorporating this dog unit. Since medieval times, India has been using all possible assets including trained wildlife and now, training has been imparted to use these assets in a different and better way, he said. 

When the dogs and hawks together injure and disarm the terrorists, then Indian soldiers can go near them and capture them. This is the idea of the training, he added.

Birds and animals are also protecting our borders. Read here to know how…

 Now let’s have a quick glimpse of animals who are trained for Army operations:

1. Raptors for aerial surveillance:- Using raptors with head-mounted camera system for aerial surveillance represents a remarkable fusion of nature and technology. This innovative approach leverages the natural flight capabilities of birds to discreetly and effectively gather aerial intelligence. By affixing small, lightweight camera system to the heads of trained birds, such as black kite, eagles or falcons, we can achieve stealthy and flexible reconnaissance missions. Birds possess an innate ability to navigate complex terrains, making them ideal for surveying remote or challenging areas. Additionally, their unobtrusive presence reduces the risk of detection compared to conventional drones or aircraft, making this method an invaluable asset for border security, and various other applications that require unobtrusive aerial surveillance.

2. Assault Dogs: Assault dogs serve as invaluable assets in enhancing security and operational effectiveness in CI/CT ops and hinterland. They undergo rigorous training in varied scenarios and conditions to develop skillsets which make them invaluable assets in apprehension, search in blind, BUA search, jungle search, vehicle assault and other such scenarios to provide strategic edge, surprise element and most importantly that golden second to own tps. Assault dogs exhibit exceptional agility, intelligence, and working obedience, making them indispensable for any op. They are also trained for specialized tasks like parachute jumps, slithering from helicopters in challenging terrains and behind enemy lines. They serve as force multipliers, augmenting the capabilities of military units and enhancing situational awareness. With their unwavering loyalty and versatility, Military Assault dogs contribute significantly to the success and safety of military operations along with reducing collateral damage to minimum.

Explosive Detection Dogs: Explosive detection dogs, also known as bomb-sniffing dogs, are highly trained canines that are capable of detecting a wide range of explosives and explosive-related materials. 

These dogs are often employed in various security and law enforcement settings to help detect and prevent potential threats. 

Key capabilities of explosive detection dogs:

Sensitivity to Odors: Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell, which allows them to detect even trace amounts of explosives that might be undetectable to human senses or technology.

Training: Explosive detection dogs undergo extensive training to recognize and alert their handlers to the presence of explosives. This training involves exposure to various explosive scents and environments to reinforce their detection abilities.

Accuracy: When properly trained and handled, explosive detection dogs can achieve a high level of accuracy in detecting explosives, making them valuable assets in security operations.

Versatility: These dogs can be trained to detect a wide range of explosive materials, including traditional explosives like TNT as well as improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

Mobility: Explosive detection dogs can move quickly and effectively in various environments, making them well-suited for tasks such as searching vehicles, buildings, and open areas.

Deterrent Effect: The presence of explosive detection dogs can serve as a deterrent to individuals considering carrying out explosive-related activities, potentially preventing incidents before they occur.

Mine detection dogs.

Mine detection dogs are trained to locate and alert their handlers to the presence of landmines and other explosive remnants of war (ERW). These dogs are crucial in humanitarian demining efforts, helping to make land safe for civilians and facilitate post-conflict reconstruction. 

Key capabilities of mine detection dogs:

Sensitivity to Odors: Similar to explosive detection dogs, mine detection dogs have a highly developed sense of smell, allowing them to detect the odor of explosives used in landmines and ERW.

Training: Mine detection dogs undergo specialized training to recognize the specific odors associated with landmines and ERW. This training includes exposure to various types of mines and ERW to reinforce their detection abilities.

Accuracy: When properly trained and handled, mine detection dogs can achieve a high level of accuracy in locating landmines and ERW, reducing the risk to deminers and civilians.

Versatility: Mine detection dogs can work in various terrains and environments, including rural and urban areas, making them valuable assets in demining operations worldwide.

Mobility: These dogs can cover large areas of land relatively quickly, helping to speed up the demining process and make it more efficient.

Safety: By locating landmines and ERW, mine detection dogs help to protect deminers and civilians from the dangers posed by these devices.

Cost-Effectiveness: While the initial training and maintenance costs of mine detection dogs can be significant, their use can ultimately be cost-effective compared to other demining methods, especially in areas where access is difficult or technology is limited.

Overall, mine detection dogs play a crucial role in humanitarian demining efforts, helping to save lives, prevent injuries, and create safer environments for communities affected by landmines and ERW.

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