Zeenat Aman, crowned Miss Pacific once, was a trendsetter in 70s and 80s and was called as the beauty queen. According to several polls conducted in the 70s, she was the hottest girl in India.
Zeenat Aman can be seen with a smiling face on Indian Idol platform these days, however, her real life has been quite tragic.
This woman who has been bold on screen in reel life has been quite weak in her personal life and has been thrashed physically by two of her husbands, namely, Sanjay Khan and Mazhar Khan.
In fact, Sanjay, thrashed her openly in front of a huge crowd leaving her bleeding profusely. That violent attack left a mark near her eye which has been hiding with her glasses. However, Zeenat never went to complaint against him to police as she said, ‘he has been a man whom she loved.’
Next, she was thrashed by Mazhar Khan too many times but had no respite.
However, this woman of substance, manages to walk with grace and confident as a woman of substance who remains unshaken despite suffering so much in her real life.