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Damyanti Gupta: This first degreed female engineer at Ford is a role model for young girls…

Damyanti Hingorani Gupta is the first female degreed engineer ever hired by Ford Motor Company. She is a role model of every young girl. EBNW Story features the inspiring story of her journey.

Birth and Life struggles

Damyanti Hingorani Gupta was born in 1942 in a small town Tharushah which was ruled by British. Her parents were known landowners but they lost everything as they had to leave their home country behind during the partition in 1947. Rioting and looting forced them flee to Karachi.

She has always dreamt to become an engineer and she came closer to her dream when she got admission as the first female student at engineering college.

Her mother Gopibai was a 4th grade student and always wanted her child to have quality education to pursue her dreams. WhenDamyanti heard  term ‘Engineer’ for the first time , she set her sights that she will pursue engineering.

She was first female student at engineering college. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Damyanti moved to Düsseldorf, Germany to work. Later, she moved to Oklahoma where she earned a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and once again she was the first female engineer from Oklahoma State University.

Capitalizing on the scope of engineering, she wanted herself to be a part of Ford when she was just 19.  Her parents handed over their lifetime savings to educate their child and fulfil her lifelong dream. The path to Ford wasn’t easy either, she was rejected when she applied for the first time. But rejection plays a vital role in success. She held onto her goal and eventually became the first female with a Masters in Engineering ever hired by the Ford Motor Company.

She is now retired from Ford but she has embarked her name as first female engineer hired by Ford.
The HR at Ford Motors said, “You’re applying for an engineering job, but we have no females here.” Damyanti replied “I’m here, and unless you hire me, you’ll never have any.” 

And that’s how she scripted a success story for herself and her females which continues to inspire many young girls…

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