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Makar Sankranti 2022: Know significance, famous food and quotes for the festival…

In 2022, Makar Sankranti is being celebrated on 14th January. Astrologically, Makar Sankranti celebrates Sun’s transition in Capricorn. Dedicated to Lord Surya, this festival is known by different names in different regions of India. The joyous festival marks the end of winter, and the beginning of a new harvest season.

Makar Sankranti holds great significance for Hindus.  On this occasion, people get together on the rooftops of their houses to fly kites, dance and greet each other with sweets and hugs.

All across the country, the festival is celebrated by offering black sesame seeds, sesame laddus, rice, vegetables, pulses, turmeric, fruits, and other items to the poor. 
Let’s know about the most delightful food of Makar Sankranti 

Sesame Laddu ( Til ke laddu) 
Til laddu is most delightful, healthy, delicious, and nutty laddu prepared with white sesame seeds, jaggery, peanuts, and desiccated coconut. It is a famous Makar Sankranti dish. 
Puran Poli 
It is a maharashtrian delicacy which is sweet in taste. This is made with wheat flour and sweetened Moong or Chana dal stuffing and served with generous amount of ghee. 

Moong beans cooked with rice and a pool of rustic spices, khichdi is more than just a comfort food for Indians. 
Pinni Made up of generous amount of ghee, wheat flour,  almonds and jaggery ,pinni is one of the delightful dish prepared to celebrate Makar Sankranti. This bites are packed with ghee and nuts. 

Quotes for Makar Sankranti 
May you sour high with success just like your kites this Makar Sankranti. HAPPY MAKAR SANKRANTI. 

This Makar Sankranti, the sun rises with hope, kites fly in the sky with vigour, and the crops are ready to be harvested – all signifying hope, joy and abundance. Happy Makar Sankranti! 

Makar Sankranti is a new beginning of a new destination, happiness or sorrow. Wish you a happy Makar Sankranti! 

Look Outside. It’s so pleasant! Sun Smiling For you.. Trees Dancing for you. Birds singing for you. Because I requested them All to wish you, HAPPY MAKAR SANKRANTI! 

With Great Devotion, Fervor and Gaiety, With Rays of Joy and Hope, Wish You and Your Family, Happy Makar Sankranti. 

As the Sun starts its journey towards the North, I hope you give your best towards achieving your goals. Wish you a Happy Makar Sankranti.”

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