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Hindi Journalism Day on May 30: Celebrating 195 years of Hindi journalism

Hindi Journalism Day is celebrated each day on 30 May. On this day, the first Hindi newspaper, Udant Martand, was brought out.

Hindi Journalism Day or Hindi Patrakarita Diwas on May 30

Hindi Journalism Day is celebrated on 30 May each year as on this day the first Hindi newspaper of India called Udant Martand was edited and published in 1826. With this, the Hindi Journalism completed its 195 years in India.

The first Hindi newspaper was initiated by Jugal Kishor Shukla. Hindi daily publishing took place in Braj and Khari languages. Shukla helped in creating journalism as the fourth pillar of the Indian democracy.

Udant Martand- the first Hindi newspaper of India

Udant Martand was the first Hindi newspaper in India which was published from Calcutta.
It was published on May 30, 1826, which is celebrated as the Hindi Journalism Day or Hindi Patrakarita Diwas. However, the newspaper could not be published for long due to higher postal rates as well as distant readership.

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