Bhavesh, student of Saksham Sanchar Foundation shared his knowledge about Garud Commando Force.
The Garud Commando Force is the special forces of INDIAN AIR FORCE. It was formed on 2004 and named after Indian diety (GARUDA)

After attempts by terrorists to attack two major air bases in Jammu and Kashmir in 2001, Indian Air Force officials felt need of a specialised force they made the dission to train commando with special force techniques Combat Search and Rescue, Reconnaissance, Counter Insurgency (COIN)
While the Army might have provided some Special forces units to the Air Force to train such commandos. The initial plans mooted in October 2001 called for a specialized force with 2000 commandos. The group was originally called “Tiger Force”, but was later renamed as “Garud Force”

The mandated tasks of the Garuds include direct action, special reconnaissance, rescuing downed pilots in hostile territory, establishing airbases in hostile territory and providing air-traffic control to these airbases The Garuds also undertake suppression of enemy air defenses and the destruction of other enemy assets such as radars, evaluation of the outcomes of Indian airstrikes and use laser designators to guide Indian airstrikes The security of IAF installations and assets are usually performed by the Air Force Police and the Defence Security Corps even though some critical assets are protected by the Garuds
Garud trainees undergo a 72-week training. The Basic Training course, which is the longest among all the Indian special forces but it also includes basic training. The total duration of training before a trainee can qualify as a fully operational Garud is around 3 years.
The initial phase is a three-month probationary training which filters in the promising candidates for the next phases of training. This phase, which usually has a high attrition (Drop-out) rate is conducted at the Garud Regimental Training Centre located at chandinagar uttar pradesh
Operation by Garud
2013 Chhattisgarh helicopter shootdown
2016 Pathankot attack
Jammu and Kashmir
Operation Rakh Hajin:
in July 2018, two Garud commandos were martyred and two militants killed during an intense encounter at Hajin
AFSOD deployments
Soon after the beginning of the 2020 China–India tensions
Glock 17

Beretta M9

IWI Tavor TAR-21


IMI Galil 7.62 Sniper

FAB Defense