India’s star javelin thrower and two-time Olympic medallist, Neeraj Chopra, has officially embarked on a new chapter in his life. The athlete surprised fans on Sunday by announcing his marriage on Instagram, accompanied by heartfelt words and a series of stunning pictures from the private ceremony.
Neeraj Chopra’s Heartfelt Announcement
Neeraj Chopra shared the joyous news with his fans, captioning his post: “Starting a new chapter of life with my family. Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after.” The pictures revealed Neeraj and his wife, Himani, surrounded by close friends and family during their intimate wedding celebrations.
According to Neeraj’s uncle, Himani is currently pursuing her studies in the USA. The couple’s wedding was a private affair, but fans can expect a reception party to follow soon, as confirmed by the family.
A New Dream for India’s Javelin Star
On the professional front, Neeraj Chopra is gearing up to bring a groundbreaking athletic event to India. A Continental Tour Javelin-Only competition, endorsed by World Athletics and the Athletics Federation of India (AFI), is set to take place later this year. Reports suggest the event might be held in May, with some of the world’s top javelin throwers, including Chopra himself, headlining the competition.
Neeraj Chopra on Hosting a World-Class Javelin Event
Speaking about the initiative, Neeraj Chopra expressed his excitement:
“It has been a longstanding dream of mine to organise and bring a world-class javelin competition to India. With the help of JSW Sports and the Athletics Federation of India, we are making this happen. I am sure that my fellow athletes and the fans in India will both create an experience that will be spoken about for a long time. I am excited to see how big we can make this.”
Chopra hopes to establish the competition as an annual fixture on the world athletics calendar, with plans to include more track and field disciplines in the future.
Support from JSW Sports and AFI
Parth Jindal, founder of JSW Sports, lauded the AFI for their support:
“I would like to thank the Athletics Federation of India and their leadership for giving us this fantastic opportunity to bring a world-class event to India. The AFI has been doing some incredible work to raise the profile of track and field sports in the country, and the manner in which they have come forward to support this event is a testament to their endeavours.”
A Star on and off the Field
Neeraj Chopra’s journey continues to inspire millions—not only for his exceptional achievements in athletics but also for his dedication to elevating India’s standing in global sports. His marriage marks the beginning of a new personal chapter, while his professional ambitions promise to create lasting opportunities for Indian athletics.
As fans shower Neeraj and Himani with love and blessings, the nation eagerly awaits both his next athletic milestone and the much-anticipated Continental Tour competition.