Trains in India might run at speed of 574 km/hr. See how!

Trains in India which run at a speed of around 100 km per hour to 120 km hour might get a boost and start running at a speed of 574 km per hour. EBNW Story finds out how its speed can be enhanced..

Trains in India might run at a speed of 574 kilometre if the ongoing discussions between Alstom India and the Indian railway materialises.

Alain Spohr, Managing Director at Alstom India said, “We are proposing a special train based on the High Speed technology that is used in France,”

 “The proposed train is based on TGV, which is a high-speed train that operates all over France. TGV stands for Train à Grande Vitesse (simply translated to high speed train in English). A certain type of TGV, called V150, holds the world record for the highest speed on any national rail system.”

“The current world speed record for commercial train on the steel wheels as held by the French TGV is 574.8 kilometres per hour. This record has been in place since April 2007.”

He further said, “We have developed local solution corresponding to the speed segment in India and  have also started to talk to the Indian Railways if they shall be interested in adding this to their fleet of long distance trains (above 1000 kilometres) High Speed Trains,” Spohr said.

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